Monday, September 9, 2013

"Kamandi: The Last Boy On Earth-The 70's Jack Kirby Creation!

Jack Kirby was at it again; creating another memorable hero, who would find a place in comic book history (this time for DC Comics)! "Kamandi: The Last Boy On Earth" #1 (Oct. 1972) exploded onto the scene, with an amazing cover and contents; befitting of a new Kirby creation! The series was a mixture of  a 50's Kirby story called "The Last Enemy" (in Harvey Comics' "Alarming Tales"); a 1956 Kirby comic strip called "Kamandi of the Caves"; along with echoes of "Planet of the Apes", thrown in for good measure. Kirby did all of the writing for the first 37 issues, and the artwork for #1-40 (that's quite an accomplishment!!!).

Kamandi, a teenage boy, had survived "The Great Disaster", which completely ravaged the world. He was raised in a secure bunker (called 'Command D'---get it!), by his grandfather, who educated him with historical microfilm and videos, to prepare Kamandi for what awaited him outside. The world of "Earth A.D." (After Disaster) had apparently been destroyed by severe radiation, and a chemical called 'Cortexin' which gave most of the animals (with the exception of horses, which became the main source of transportation, in a post- apocalyptic world) 'human-like' intelligence along with the ability to speak and reason. The chemical had gotten into the water supply, after its creator, Dr. Michael Grant, had poured it down the drain.

After his grandfather was killed, Kamandi decided that it was time to venture out of his protective bunker, and see for himself what had happened to the planet. He was in for major culture-shock!!! The devastated Earth was ruled by tribes of intelligent animals, who spoke, wore clothing & armor, and had what was left of weapons and technology at their disposal. The human race was reduced to semi-intelligent 'beasts', who had lost most of their reasoning ability, and were used by the animal tribes & empires as slave labor or pets. Although nearly every animal species ruled the world; the prominent empires and tribes were ruled by gorillas, tigers, lions, wolves, bats, rats, and the like.

Kamandi gained many allies during his quest to find other human civilizations (some of his allies were animals, believe it or not!!!). His other (mutated) intelligent human friends included---Ben Boxer, Steve, Renzi, and a teenage girl named Spirit. His main animal allies included---Dr. Canus (a canine scientist); Tuftan (a tiger, who was the son of Caesar, the ruler of the "Tiger Empire"); Mylock Bloodstalker ( a 'Sherlock Holmes-like detective, who was a bloodhound). Kamandi also had an alien woman named Pyra, for an ally. They hoped to restore human kind to intelligence and civilization.

Kamandi later teamed with Batman (through time-shifts) in "The Brave & The Bold" #120 (1975) and #157 (1979). He would also meet Superman in "Superman" #295 (1976).

Kamandi also appeared in 4 different episodes of the animated TV series "Batman: The Brave & The Bold" ("Dawn of the Deadman"; "Last Bat on Earth"; "The Malicious Mr. Mind"; & "Joker: The Vile and the Villainous".

I would strongly recommend that you seek out the original 'Jack Kirby' version of "Kamandi: The Last Boy On Earth", if you like bombastic action & adventure (along with dazzling artwork). Check it out!!!

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