Monday, November 24, 2014

"Varied Worlds of Spider-man" (Amazing..; Ultimate..; Superior..!)

The Amazing Spider-Man (Peter Parker) was created in "Amazing Fantasy"#15 (Aug. 1962), by the amazing team of Stan Lee (writer) & Steve Ditko (artist). Ever since that fateful day that high-schooler Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider and became Spider-Man; he has undergone many changes in his life. There have also been several alternate takes on the saga of Spidey. I wish to discuss the top 3 ("Amazing Spider-Man"; "Ultimate Spider-Man"; & "Superior Spider-Man").

"The Amazing Spider-Man" (#1-700 & Annuals) & (#1- Current : new series)

               The 60's introduced most of the super-villains that we know and hate to this day, including---Doctor Octopus; Green Goblin; The Lizard; Kraven. The Hunter; Electro; Mysterio; The Vulture; The Rhino; The Kingpin; & countless others. Love interests were also introduced at this time, which include---Betty Brant; Gwen Stacy (Peter's tragic first true love); and of course, Mary Jane Watson (the true love Peter would eventually marry). Peter also graduated during this time and began working for the "Daily Bugle", with J. Jonah Jameson as his boss. Peter's Aunt May went through many health issues.

              The 70's were loaded with many life-changing events, including---The death of Captain Stacy (Gwen's father); The death of Gwen Stacy; The apparent death of the Green Goblin (who killed Gwen); Spider-Man's temporary growth of extra arms; Intro. of Morbius, the Living Vampire; The Man-Wolf; The Jackal; The Punisher; & The Black Cat (Felicia Hardy,who became a temporary love interest for Spider-Man). This era also introduced the original 'Clone Saga', which featured a Gwen Stacy 'clone', as well as a Spider-Man 'clone', who was thought dead, until he re-surfaced in the 90's.

             The 80's were also quite eventful, which includes---Return and death of the burglar who killed Peter's Uncle Ben; Re-intro of Mary Jane, who admits to knowing that Peter is Spider-Man; Spider-Man wears black costume (#232-300, where he returned to original); Intro. & eventual death of Captain Jean DeWolff; The wedding of Peter and Mary Jane ("Amazing Spider-Man Annual"#21); as well as the death of Kraven, The Hunter; Intro of Venom.

           The 90's were notable for the 'New Clone Saga'; which brought back Spider-Man's clone, who took on the name of Ben Reilly, and became a superhero called "Scarlet Spider". He eventually sacrificed his life saving Spider-Man from the Green Goblin.

          The 2000's-Present Era has brought many changes, including---Strange revelations about Gwen Stacy's past; Peter & Mary Jane split-up; and the "Dying Wish" storyline in which a dying Doctor Octopus is able to body-swap with Peter Parker / Spider-Man, allowing Peter to die in his ravaged body!!! This set the scene for the "Superior Spider-Man" series, which I will discuss later.

"Ultimate Spider-Man"          (200 issues plus Annuals)

          (Re-) Created by Brian Bendis (writer) & Mark Bagley (artist); this series is an alternate take and re-inventing of the Spider-Man legend.In this series, Peter is a high-schooler, who is bitten by a spider that was exposed to a drug called OZ. Mary Jane Watson is his next-door-neighbor girlfriend. The characters in the 'Ultimate Spider-Man Universe' are a slight, or sometimes major variation of the original 'mainstream' ones.
     This series was very teen-friendly, with a boyish looking version of Peter Parker / Spider-Man. The series was very well-written and drawn.
     This version ended with the death of Peter Parker / Spider-Man, while saving his loved ones from the Green Goblin!!! The Spider-Man role is then taken up by Miles Morales (a 13 year old part black / part hispanic boy, who had also been bitten by an infected spider.).

"Superior Spider-Man"         (#1-31 plus Annuals & 2 more issues to explain a storyline)  ("Superior Spider-Man Team-Up" series)

        Created by Dan Slott (writer) and Ryan Stegman & Humberto Ramos (artists). This series transpires after the "Dying Wish" storyline, in which Otto Octavius (Doctor Octopus) had somehow swapped bodies with Peter Parker / Spider-Man, leaving Peter to die in his deteriorating body!!! Otto takes on the task of continuing Spider-Man's heroic career, while leaving his villainous ways behind!?! He is determined to become the 'superior' Spider-Man in every way. Otto is harder on criminals than Peter was, sometimes killing or maiming them. Peter's consciousness still remains in Otto's mind, trying to restrain him somewhat, but Otto finds a way to wipe Peter out of his mind temporarily! Those around Otto as P.P. / S-M, begin to notice the changes in him (notably Mary Jane, who is no longer with Peter, but keeps in contact; and The Avengers, with whom Spider-Man is a member). Otto / Peter also develops a love interest between he and Anna Maria Marconi (A dwarf-sized tutor of Peter's). He also starts a laboratory with a team of researchers.
     His crime-fighting career continues until the city is taken over by the Goblin King & his Goblin Nation, who kidnap Anna Maria. Otto (as Spider-Man) realizes he can't defeat the Goblin or get Anna Maria back, so he decides to allow Peter's consciousness to return to his own body. As Otto's consciousness fades away, he proclaims Peter to be the 'superior' Spider-Man, and the one who can defeat the Goblin King.
     Peter s back as the Amazing Spider-Man, and with the help of the Avengers & Spider-Man 2099, he defeats the Goblin King and saves Anna Maria. Peter explains to others (Mary Jane, Avengers) that Otto was in control until recently. Mary Jane tells Peter that she cannot be with him, because of the danger he faces daily. "Superior Spider-Man" was a well written, well drawn, (and fun!) series.    Thus began the new "Amazing Spider-Man" series, with Peter back at the helm.

I know I am old-school, but my favorite will always be the 60's Stan Lee / John Romita Sr. "Amazing Spider-Man" run. That was truly classic Spider-Man!!!

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