Thursday, June 13, 2013

"Avengers Assemble!!!"-'Earth's Mightiest Heroes' During the 60's & 70's

The original Avengers (Iron Man; Thor; The Hulk; Ant-Man & The Wasp) first came together as a fighting unit in "The Avengers"#1 (Sept. 1963). This 'marvelous' creation was helmed by the amazing team of Stan 'The Man' Lee (writer / editor) & Jack 'King' Kirby (artist / co-plotter); OF COURSE!!!

Asgardian superhero Thor's evil half-brother, Loki planned to attack the Earth, by using The Hulk to battle Thor; so that he (Loki) could implement his invasion. To his dismay, Loki also got Iron Man, Ant-Man & The Wasp (as well as Thor & Hulk) in the bargain! He was sorely defeated and The Mighty Avengers group was born! (Thor; Iron Man / Tony Stark; Hulk / Bruce Banner; Ant-Man / Hank Pym; and The Wasp / Janet Van Dyne- 'later to be ' Pym).

By issue #2, The Hulk decided to quit (he sensed that the other members feared and mistrusted him), while Ant-Man became Giant-Man (later to be called Goliath; and much later, he became Yellowjacket). Captain America joined the team in issue #4 ( the team found him encased in ice, where he had been frozen after World War II; and they revived him), during a battle with The Sub-Mariner!

The Avengers underwent some roster changes after that time including---Hawkeye, Quicksilver & The Scarlet Witch (all former villains); Hercules (temporary member); The Black Knight & The Black Widow (non-members who joined in later years);The Black Panther & The Vision (who became full-time members, for many years to come); The Beast & Moondragon (in 1975). Special Note: The Vision (who was an android) married The Scarlet Witch, in later years. Some of their major enemies included---Baron Zemo & The Masters of Evil; Kang the Conqueror; Wonder Man; Count Nefaria; and The Squadron Supreme.

The Avengers Mansion was their headquarters (which was provided by Tony Stark).

An amazing group of writers (Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway, Steve Englehart & Jim Shooter) and artists (John Buscema, Sal Buscema, Bob Brown & George Perez) took the reigns of the series during the 70's!

 During the summer of '73', The Avengers were engaged in a 'battle royale' with The Defenders, in a multi-issue arc which involved both of their comic magazines. The series was a big hit (definitely to me)!

Over the years, The Avengers have been involved in many animated TV series' (separately & together). In recent times, Marvel has unleashed major motion picture hits including--- Iron Man ( I, II & III); Thor; Captain America-The First Avenger; The Hulk; and The Incredible Hulk! But the movie that I consider to be the pinnacle of superhero films is "The Avengers" (2012)! The cast was beyond amazing, which included---Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man); Chris Evans (Captain America); Chris Hemsworth (Thor); Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow); Mark Ruffalo (Hulk); Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye); Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury); Tom Hiddleston (Loki); and Clark Gregg (Agent Colson)!!! Some of my favorite dialogue in the movie was an exchange between The Black Widow & Captain America; as follows---B.W.:"I'd sit this one out, Cap."  C.A.:" I don't see how I can!"  B.W.: "These guys are from legend. They're basically 'gods'!"  C.A.: "There's only one God, Ma'am, and I'm sure He doesn't dress like that!" (That's Some Classic Lines!) I'm pumped for the sequel!

So, "Avengers Assemble" for many decades to come!!! The fans will be there!!!

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