Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"The Atom"-The World's Smallest Superheroe's Exploits (During the 60's-70's)

The Silver-Age Atom / Ray Palmer was created during the early 60's revival / re-vamping of various Golden-Age superheroes, by Julius Schwartz (editor), Gil Kane (artist; extraordinaire') & Murphy Anderson (inker). The Atom made his debut in "Showcase"#34 (Oct. 1961), but gained his own title soon after (which was drawn by Kane for many years).

Ray Palmer (a physicist & professor at Ivy University) discovered that he was able to compress (shrink) matter, with the use of a lens made from white dwarf star matter. He brought it with him on a cave exploration, with his girlfriend Jean Loring and some of his students. When they became trapped, Ray was able to shrink himself (and re-enlarge without consequence) to save them. Upon returning, Ray developed the lens into a belt device, which would allow him to shrink to miniature (even sub-atomic size), and made a blue & red costume (that he would automatically be in, upon shrinking). He could even become tiny enough to travel through phone lines. ( Note: The 'original' Atom / Al Pratt (of Earth II) was a short statured man with superior strength & agility). Ray eventually married Jean Loring (although they later divorced).

The Atom joined The Justice League of America, during their early years and still remains a member. He became a close friend and ally to Hawkman, with whom he teamed many times. He also teamed with Batman (many times in "The Brave and the Bold") and Superman (in "World's Finest Comics"). Some of The Atom's major enemies included---Chronos, The Time Bandit; Bug-Eyed Bandit; Floronic Man; and Bat-Knights of Elvaran (miniature race).

His next series of adventures would involve an unknown colony of miniature yellow-skinned people, that he would come to protect ;in a comic book mini-series called "Sword of The Atom".

The Atom's TV appearances have included---(Animated) Superman / Aquaman Hour of Adventure; Super Friends; Justice League; Justice League Unlimited; Batman: The Brave and the Bold; Young Justice; DC Nation Shorts; and "Justice League: The New Frontier" (Warner Premiere Animated Movie). (Live-Action) "Legends of the Superheroes" (2nd half); and a failed Justice League of America TV pilot.

The Atom has amassed quite an enormous body of work; for a little guy!!!

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