Friday, July 12, 2013

"Swamp Thing"- The Len Wein / Berni Wrightson Masterpiece From The 70's

Back in the summer of 1971, the creative team of Len Wein (writer) & Berni Wrightson (artist) first introduced to the fantastic monster / hero; "Swamp Thing"! The 1st incarnation of Swamp Thing appeared in "House of Secrets"#92 (June-July 1971). The setting was early 20th Century; whereas the later 'official' "Swamp Thing" series was set in the (then) current 70's. The premise remained somewhat similar between the original short story and the later series. In the original, a scientist (Alex Olson) is changed into a monstrous swamp creature; by a mixture of a lab / chemical explosion and the nearby swamp oozes. The blast was caused by Alex's lab assistant (Damian Ridge) who coveted Alex's wife Linda. The Swamp Thing took out his vengeance on Ridge, but couldn't get Linda to recognize who he was (her loving husband).

In "Swamp Thing"#1 (Oct.-Nov. 1972), the scientist is named Alec Holland; who has created a bio-restorative formula, which can cause vegetation to grow in barren areas (like deserts)! Alec and his wife Linda are working in their secret swamp laboratory, when evil men (who are minions of the mysterious 'Mr. E.') came to steal the Hollands' formula and research. They proceeded to kill Linda Holland and blew up the lab; leaving Alec (whose body was ablaze with chemical fire) to run toward the swamp to put out the flames which engulfed him. He emerged as the part-vegetation / part-man creature known as "Swamp Thing". He then killed the men responsible for his wife's death. Thus began the adventures of the Swamp Thing!

The extremely talented team of Wein & Wrightson did an 'awesome' job of capturing the Swamp Thing's human anguish; the eerie murkiness of the swamp-lands; and the grotesqueness of the many misshapen creatures that would arise to do battle with the Swamp Thing! Some of my favorite story-lines were those involving the evil Dr. Anton Arcane's deformed creature creations (think Dr. Frankenstein on steroids); the mysterious Mr. E.(Nathan Ellery); and a special cross-over appearance by "Batman" himself! My favorite issue though was No.#4, which involved a creepy, savage werewolf. Berni Wrightson's artwork (which was always murkily fantastic) expertly captured the eerie atmosphere, while a gnarly werewolf stalked his victims into the depths of the foggy, forbidding swamp-land. The confrontations between the Swamp Thing and his werewolf adversary, were beautifully rendered! The story & the artwork were an absolute masterpiece!!!

The supporting characters in the series included---Dr. Anton Arcane (and his army of created Un-Men; including the 'Patchwork Man'); Abigail Arcane (Anton's niece & a closely bonded ally of Swamp Thing); and Matthew Cable (Federal Agent, in pursuit of Swamp Thing; in connection with the deaths of Alec & Linda Holland).

Movie & TV appearances included---"Swamp Thing" (1982); "The Return of the Swamp Thing" (1989); and a follow-up TV series (1990-1993, on U.S.A. Network). The films and the TV series all featured actor / stuntman Dick Durock as "Swamp Thing". (Note: The movies featured Adrienne Barbeau & Heather Locklear as Swamp Thing's leading ladies)!
Animated appearances included---"Swamp Thing" (1991,5 episodes); "Justice League" ('Comfort and Joy'-cameo appearance); "Justice League Unlimited" ('Initiation' & a poster appearance in 'Wake the Dead').

The dynamically creative team of Len Wein & Berni Wrightson (who illustrated the first 10 issues) created an enduring legacy in comic book history, which has continued through several incarnations; to this day!!!  

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