Sunday, July 28, 2013

"The Joker"(PART 1)-The Insane Clown's Killer Reign!!! (40's-70's Era)

From his first appearance (with that chalk-white face, that wild green hair, those death-like eyes, and his malevolent red-lipped smile), the Joker was fully established as a homicidal maniac and a total wacko! He started off with a bang, killing innocent people with his 'Joker Venom', which caused his victims to laugh until they died, with a hideous smile etched on their faces (he had also tried to do that to Robin, during his and Batman's first encounter)! The Joker loved to kill for no particular reason, other than just the insane desire to do it! He would cause the deaths of a busload of passengers; just for laughs! He also liked to goad Batman & Robin with clues to his crimes. He seemed to enjoy the challenge that Batman presented (it kept his life from getting boring). The Joker arrived to bedevil the 'Dynamic Duo' for the first time in "Batman"#1 (Spring 1940). He was created by Jerry Robinson (concept), Bill Finger (writer), & Bob Kane (artist and co-creator of Batman, the year before). Kane was said to have gotten his inspiration for the Joker from a 1928 film called "The Man Who Laughs", starring Conrad Veidt.

In the 1950's & 60's, the Joker was toned down into more of an evil prankster, using wild gimmicks and gadgets to carry off his crimes.During the late 50's, he was  given an origin story (which was revised and expanded on, in later years). He got his start as a masked common criminal called the 'Red Hood', who swan through the chemical-infected sewers as an escape route after his crimes. This method of escape brought permanent consequences; he would forever have a chalk-white face, green hair, and a wide red-lipped smile! He was apparently driven insane by the death of his wife (as revealed many years later), as well as other occurrences. When he viewed his new 'look', he thought of himself as an evil clown and called himself "The Joker".

In "Batman"#251 (1973), the Joker's dangerously homicidal nature returned with a vengeance; thanks to the fantastic, legendary team of Denny O'Neil (writer) and my favorite artist, Neal Adams! The story (which was highly influential to future 'Batman' writers & artists, when dealing with the Joker) was titled "The Joker's Five Way Revenge" (my all-time favorite 'Batman vs Joker' story). Steve Englehart (writer) & Marshall Rogers (artist) continued to bring out more of the depths of the Joker's full-blown 'over-the-top' homicidal insanity. In the story "The Laughing Fish" (another personal favorite of mine!), the Joker used his 'Joker Venom' on fish (giving them his evil smile), so that he could patent and sell his poisonous fish! The aforementioned stories helped to form a pattern, which would influence the Joker's character and nature in blockbuster movies, TV animation, "Warner Premiere" animated films, and countless comic books.

The Joker was given his own title in the 70's, which lasted for 9 issues. He retained his 'killer edge' in these, as he battled with various superheroes and other villains.

During the 60's, 70's & 80's, the Joker appeared in many animated series (including "Scooby Doo", where he was teamed with the Penguin to battle Batman, Robin & the 'Scooby Gang'). But the animated series (during the 90's), which brought the Joker into full bloom, was "Batman: The Animated Series". The Joker was expertly voiced by Mark Hamill (of "Star Wars" fame), in what I consider to be the best, most accurate version of the Joker, to date! There have been several other great 'Batman' animated series' and animated movies featuring the Joker, but the Emmy-Award winning "Batman: The Animated Series" is my favorite!!! The Joker was even given a wildly crazy side-kick named "Harley Quinn", who is obsessively in love with her 'Mr. J.' (see Part #2 of this blog, for her story)!

TV & Movie Famous "Joker" live-action appearances include---"Batman" TV Series (1966-68) and film (1966), which featured Cesar Romero as the Joker; "Batman" (1989 Movie), which featured Jack Nicholson as the Joker; and "The Dark Knight" (2008 Movie), which featured Heath Ledger (in his 'posthumous' "Best Supporting Actor" role) as the Joker. These actors all gave excellent performances as the world's most famous nut-case and Batman's top nemesis!

The Joker has topped many "All-Time Top Villains" lists (usually at #1 or #2, and is nearly always in the top 5). He remains to this day, one of the most famous, colorful villains, EVER!!!

Please return for "The Joker" Part #2, which focuses on his 'totally bonkers' relationship with Harley Quinn!

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